Documenta Acustica Electronica, DAEL, is the portal of the European Acoustics Association.
DAEL is a joint action between the EAA and the SFA.
It was supported by the French National fund for open science, FNSO and the European Commission.
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DAEL aims to gather all journals, conference proceedings and grey literature in any European language:
thesis, courses, tutorials, reports, books, technical notes, sound illustrations, videos, data, or programs
in an open access mode.
DAEL consists in mutualising European efforts for the preservation of our common scientific heritage
with the ambition to gather ALL acoustics-related publications in Europe in a single multilingual
portal. DAEL is centred around the flagship Journal of the EAA: Acta Acustica.
For all European languages, documents are automatically translated in English and thus can be
searched with a single tool, whatever the original language (OR).
Together with the original paper, the automatic English translation can be provided for help.
Only the original document is authentic. The EAA cannot be held responsible of any translation error
(often due to the presence of equations and tables).
In addition to the open access section, a private section is provided to EAA National Societies, for
disseminating documents restricted to their Members.
For additional information, you can contact us at: dael (at)
Members of the following National Societies can have access to DAEL through the private page of their Society (on the National Society website):
By accessing DAEL as a Member of a National Society, you can access, in addition to the open access documents, to documents restricted to National Society Members.
Member of the other National Societies can register below and must mention their Society. (DAEL will ask National Societies for confirmation).
Non-Members can register using the same procedure and specifying “non-member”.
Please confirm your deconnection with the button below. |